Scout Shabbat 2013

Scout Shabbat

Scout Sabbath offers an opportunity for worshipers to honor Scouts and Scouters, as well as to learn more themselves about the value of Scouting as a youth program chartered to a Jewish organization. It gives a rabbi a framework to address Scouts directly, in addition to speaking about Scouting to the congregation.

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awards and emblems

Emblems & Awards

It was a natural outgrowth of the relationship between Scouting and Jewish organizations that the religious emblems program was originated to give recognition to youth who had demonstrated religious growth. Since these emblems were designed and implemented by Rabbis and not by the Boy Scouts of America, it is appropriate that they be presented during a religious service at a youth’s synagogue.

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Israel Caravan group performing

Placing Veteran Flags

Twice each year, for Memorial Day and Veterans Day, the Jewish War Veterans replace worn U.S. flags on the graves of our passed loved ones who served in our country's military with new flags. Given the significance of remembering our departed and honoring those who fought to help maintain our safety, the DJCoS works to assist the JWV by offering our Scouts a chance to assist in this work. It is a significant service project.

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Our Objective

The Dallas Jewish Committee on Scouting is a division of the National Jewish Committee on Scouting. These committees are associated with the Boy Scouts of America in their Religious Relationships area. The purpose of the DJCoS is to promote Scouting among Jewish youth in the Dallas area and to bring the values of Judaism to Scouting.

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